Why does my lawn have seed heads?

22 November 2023
There has been an increase in seed heads appearing across many turf varieties recently, in most cases this will be due to the seasonal change and is not a cause for major concern.
If your lawn has been fertilised in recent weeks and has sufficient moisture in the soil, they should stop appearing on their own within a matter of weeks.
Seed Heads – When these strange little things start popping up in your lawn it’s common that many people first think they have weeds in their lawn.
But they are not actually a weed, they are a seed head that has grown from the grass itself.
Normally when a turf variety goes to seed, it’s because it’s under stress from something, usually a lack of water or nutrient. Most common lawn types in Australia produce a sterile seed head, meaning they can’t be spread by seed, only through vegetative sprigs or runners. Although going to seed isn’t a bad thing for your lawn, it doesn’t look great or feel soft underfoot and can be a sign of an underlying problem.
Seed heads can be pretty easy to avoid for the most part, by sticking to a consistent lawn care program. The best way to stop your lawn from going to seed is through regular watering, mowing and fertilising throughout the year.
In most circumstances your lawn will stop going to seed on its own within a couple of weeks or so and it will be business as usual. If there has been dramatic weather change, it will stop seeding once conditions have gone back to normal or once the plant has adjusted. If weather conditions have been fairly consistent, then you will want to look at what it is that may have caused it to go into stress in the first place, like insufficient water, nutrient or soil composition.
If you haven’t had a lot of water or haven’t fertilised in a while, a really good deep soaking and an application with a good quality slow release fertiliser, should put an end to a nutrient or water deficiency and shortly after the grass will go back to normal.

If your lawn has an ongoing seeding issue and you can’t seem to get on top of it, contact your local turf supplier who can help with some local advice based on your current weather and growing conditions.
A plant growth regulator (PGR) like Primo Maxx will limit your lawns vertical growth and can help reduce the number of seed heads that your lawn produces. Regular mowing, twice a week, and the use of a PGR at full rates will minimise the seed head from flowering.

As always, if you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to contact us for free expert advice on 1800ALLTURF (1800255873) or 07 5543 8304.
Contact us for expert advice, or come & say hi at our office in Tamborine!