100 Million Metres of Sir Walter

100 Million Metres of Sir Walter Sold

Sir Walter Buffalo today is an iconic ‘Aussie’ brand and is undoubtedly the most successful turf variety in Australian history.

Did you know Sir Walter has reached a sales milestone in the Australian turf industry? Sir Walter has passed the 100 million metres sold mark, an achievement no other buffalo grass or grass has ever achieved! This makes it the greatest selling grass of all time.

To put this into perspective, if you laid this much Sir Walter in a line it would be able to cover the entire circumference of the moon almost 10 times over. Or in terms of Australia, it would be like driving all the way around Australia’s coastline almost 4 times. It’s a truly extraordinary amount of grass.

The Birth of Sir Walter

Brent Redman discovered the great “Sir Walter” in the NSW Hunter Valley in 1996. Brent grew buffalo grasses on his farm, but there were always particular issues that prevented them from achieving high quality. This was until Brent noticed a small area on his farm where an off type was growing. This off type maintained a greener winter colour, had a healthier root system and it was taking over the existing buffalo. Brent realised the potential of this new variety and began propagating the grass to protect the purity and integrity of the variety. From these first few square metres, the superstar that would become known as Sir Walter was born.

The rest is history as they say, with Sir Walter being expanded and produced right across Australia through a network of licensed turf suppliers.

Name Sir Walter

With Greatness Comes Great Responsibility

As a result of the success Sir Walter achieved, deception and substitution by competitors has occurred. Many varieties over the years have claimed to be ‘just like’, ‘same as’ or ‘bred from’ Sir Walter. None of which is true, which is why there needed to be a way to ensure the Sir Walter that consumers were buying was genuine.

To remedy this, Sir Walter supplied by accredited and licensed suppliers is now known as Sir Walter DNA Certified. This extension of the Sir Walter name was developed to provide the assurance to consumers that the Sir Walter they are buying is DNA tested and the genuine product. This turf matches the original breeder Sir Walter plant material bred at Brent Redmans farm developed over 20 years ago.


As always, if you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to contact us for free expert advice on 1800ALLTURF (1800255873) or 07 5543 8304.

How to treat dry spots in your lawn

Hot and dry weather can really take a toll on even the healthiest lawns and cause them to become thin and patchy. This usually happens over the summer months, as the weather is hot and dry and lawn owners are generally on holidays or too busy to keep up their regular lawn maintenance schedule. It only takes a couple of days of hot, dry weather to affect your lawn.

Usually what you will see is bare patches throughout the lawn or your lawn would’ve started to thin out and change colour. What follows this, is those bare patches bake in the sun and become rock hard making it difficult for water and nutrients to get into the soil. This is commonly known as dry patch and appears regularly in lawns throughout the summer. Thankfully it is treatable and is relatively easy to fix.

First things first, it is always recommended you aerate the affected area of your lawn. Aeration can be done with a garden fork, aerator sandals or a specialised aerator depending on the size of the lawn. This is crucial as it will de-compact your soil and will help nutrients and water penetrate your lawn.

Next, apply a wetting agent like Lawn Soaker to the affected area. Wetting agents come in liquid and granular forms and assist with water absorbing into your soil. This will also allow the soil to hold water in a usable manner for longer. Always remember to irrigate your lawn well after applying the wetting agent.

After this, it is time to stimulate your lawns growth to allow it to self-repair and cover back over. This is best done by applying an NPK fertiliser to the entire lawn and irrigating the lawn well afterwards. Always remember to apply all products at label rates and follow all instructions.

There are steps you can take to reduce the suffering.

  • Choose a drought tolerant variety.
  • Carry out good soil improvement practices prior to installing.
  • Water your lawn correctly, less frequent, deeper soakings to encourage deep roots.
  • If possible, give your lawn one deep soaking at the first sign of any heat and drought and then leave it until it starts to wilt, repeating the process as necessary. This will be more frequent in sandy soils.
  • Increase the mowing height – slightly longer lawns shade the soil, reducing evaporation and stress.

Always check and abide by the relevant water restrictions in your area as these vary greatly around the country.

How long can your lawn survive without water? Read more here.

Dry patches in your lawn can sometimes be a sign of something else happening with the lawn or soil. Some of the most common reasons for dry patch (dead spots) to occur are:


1. Heat exposure (varied area sizes and shapes) – normally a combination of foot traffic, incorrect or insufficient watering practices, lack of water absorption (hydrophobic soil), reflective heat sources, direct heat over exposure.

2. Dog urine burns (up to 20cm areas and varied shapes).

3. Turf pest damage (varied area sizes and shapes).

As always, if you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to contact us for free expert advice on 1800ALLTURF (1800255873) or 07 5543 8304.

How to care for a new lawn

So, your new lawn is now installed, and you’re unsure what to do next? This blog covers a few simple steps on how to care for your new lawn.

Watering For a New Lawn

Ensuring your lawn has enough water, especially for the first few days after installation, is essential to help stop the grass roots from drying out.

For the first few days after receiving your lawn, you will need to irrigate more frequently. This is because the grass roots won’t have had the chance to grow into the soil. The duration and number of times you need to water will depend on a few factors, including temperatures, location, and rainfall.

As a general guide, you want to ensure your grass roots stay damp. If you are experiencing lots of rainfall in your area, you may not need additional irrigation. However, if your temperatures are hotter without rainfall, you may need to irrigate a few times a day.

For more information on watering your lawn, it is best to reach out to your local turf supplier. They will be familiar with the current weather conditions and local area.

Once the roots of your lawn have established into the soil, you can start reducing the number of times you need to irrigate. Once your lawn is fully established, you should only need to irrigate when there is not enough rainfall to meet the needs of your lawn. Some tell-tale signs that your lawn needs water are:

  • Leaf is wilting or losing colour.
  • If you walk across your lawn and leave a footprint behind, then your lawn is likely lacking in water. If it bounces back, your lawn should be well hydrated. This is known as the footprint test.
  • During hot weather, if it’s looking dry.

Mowing Your Lawn For the First Time

Your new lawn should be ready for its first mow once the grass roots grow into the soil profile. To see if it is ready, try lifting the corner of a turf roll from the ground. It is ready to mow if you can’t lift the roll from the ground.

With your first mow, raise the mower’s height so only the top of the leaf blade is removed. Then, slowly bring the height back to your preferred mowing height over the next few mows.

Lawn Mowing ?ÛÒ Getting the Basics Right

Should I Fertilise My New Lawn

Once the lawn has been down for 6 – 8 weeks, it will be ready for its first fertiliser application. For fertilising a new lawn we recommend using a well-balanced fertiliser, like our Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser. This contains all the nutrients your lawn needs to thrive over the coming months and is safe to use on lawn types.

lawn fertiliser

If you want to apply products during the lawns first few weeks, you can use a soil conditioner like Lawn Kelper, this will help stimulate and strengthen roots and shoots.

lawn kelper

Can I Use Herbicides on a New Lawn?

If you notice weeds starting to grow in your new lawn, it is best to hold off from using herbicides till the lawn has fully established. However, most lawn weeds should be able to be removed by hand.

If we haven’t touched on any inquiries you have about caring for your new lawn, reach out to your local turf supplier, or get in contact with the Lawn Solutions Team.

As always, if you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to contact us for free expert advice on 1800ALLTURF (1800255873) or 07 5543 8304.

Identifying Lawn Seed Heads

As each turf type has a different seed head, it can sometimes be difficult to know what a seed head is and what is a weed. In this blog, we look at what seed heads look like in different grass types, why they grow, and how to help stop them from growing.

They will usually only appear in lawns for a few weeks a year, usually when the temperatures are changing. Although they do have a tough feel underfoot, they won’t cause any damage to your lawn.


Buffalo grass seed head

Buffalo seed heads will grow from the runner, also known as stolon. The seed head will be thicker with exposed seeds and will feel tough. They also have a very similar appearance to asparagus. They usually grow at the same height or just above your lawns leaf height.

Most buffalo seeds are sterile. This means that the grass cannot be spread by its seed.


couch seed head

Couch seed heads too can be mistaken as weeds. They can be green to purple in colour and will grow on a stem above the grass level. At the top of the stem, there will be a cluster of spikes (usually two to six spikes) that hold the seeds. These spikes are around two to five cm long.

Most turf sold as a solid turf variety like TifTuf Hybrid Bermuda and Nullarbor Couch will produce a sterile seed head that cannot spread.


kikuyu seedhead

Kikuyu’s grows pollen sacs that extend above the grass leaf on white filaments, and are often mistaken as a web. These filaments will grow in a cluster of 2-4 flower spikelets. Kikuyu seeds are produced within the leaf sheath, and are not visible.


Zoysia seed head

Zoysia seed heads will either be white or purple in colour. They will feel ‘tough’ to touch and will come from one stem with small flowers that hold the seeds.

Why has my lawn gone to seed?

Seed heads start to grow for 2 main reasons.

The first being a change in seasons. Seasonal changes can cause a bit of stress on the lawn. In most varieties this will occur once or twice a year.

The second is that your lawn is lacking something. This will usually be water or nutrients

How to help stop seed heads

If your lawn has gone to seed, in most cases the grass will stop producing seeds over the coming weeks. The best way to help stop your lawn from going to seed is through regular mowing, watering, and fertilising.

When mowing, only remove one third of the leaf blade off at once to help reduce plant stress. In the warmer months, you may be required to mow at least once a week depending on your climate and turf variety. Watering your lawn less frequently for longer is best. For fertilising, a slow-release granular fertiliser that has a good ratio of NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, and Potassium) like Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser is ideal to help encourage strong growth for a healthy lawn.

lawn fertiliser









A plant growth regulator (PGR) like Primo Maxx will limit your lawns vertical growth and can help reduce the number of seed heads that your lawn produces. Regular mowing, twice a week, and the use of a PGR at full rates will minimise the seed head from flowering.

pH test

If your lawns seed heads don’t go away after a few weeks after increasing watering, fertilising, regular mowing, and aerating, it is worth doing a soil pH test.

As always, if you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to contact us for free expert advice on 1800ALLTURF (1800255873) or 07 5543 8304.

Your Lawn’s Spring Growth Surge

Get the right curve during spring growth surge

Has your lawn had a strong lift in its growth? This is your lawn’s spring growth surge.

Spring is the time when the flowers are blooming, and your gardens are beginning to sing. Your lawn responds to consistent higher temperatures in spring just like the flowers and plants in your garden.

What is spring growth surge?

Spring Surge Growth is created by warmer temperatures which assist the soil temperature to increase. With the addition of water and fertiliser, your lawn will break the winter dormancy and it will increase in leaf growth and root production.

It is important during this time that you maintain an even growth curve without over fertilising – excessive fertiliser causes excessive leaf growth and grass clippings which is obviously not preferable to achieving a low maintenance lawn.

The best lawn care pattern for spring involves the following:

  • Aerate the soil profile to assist with even water movement throughout the roots of your lawn. (This will be easier if there is some moisture in the soil, so shortly after rain is ideal)
  • Fertilise your lawn as per the label rates
  • Water in thoroughly


Most turf surfaces require one or two applications of fertiliser during the spring and summer period, but this will vary based on the amount of wear your lawn is subjected to during the growing months. For fertilising we recommend using a granular fertiliser like our Lawn Solutions Premium Fertiliser. This fertiliser has a well balanced ratio of nutrients your lawn needs to thrive.

lawn fertiliser

Mowing regularly

During this time it is also important to ensure you are mowing regularly to keep up with the growth surge. For mowing, we recommend mowing frequently enough so that only one third of the leaf blade is removed with each pass. Cutting this way will limit the amount of stress caused to the plant and help avoid scalping.

mowing height

This extreme growth surge that occurs during spring will only last for a few weeks, at which time growth rates will normalise.

Plant Growth Regulators (PGR)

If your lawn is growing too fast to keep on top of, you can look at using a plant growth regulator like Primo Maxx to help slow down the growth of your lawn. This product works by suppressing the plants vertical growth and increases the plants lateral growth. This helps your lawn become denser while reducing the number of times you need to mow.

primo maxx

As always, if you have any more questions please don’t hesitate to contact us for free expert advice on 1800ALLTURF (1800255873) or 07 5543 8304.